Channel: Kubz Scouts
Category: Gaming
Tags: panic or die lets playsurvival gameindie horror game 2022plane crash gamekubz scoutshorror gamevideo games about cannibalsvideo games about plane crasheskubzpanic or diescoutspanic or die full gamekubz scouts jumpscarespuppet combokubz scouts puppet combops1 style horror gamecannibal game
Description: A game where your plane crashes into a unknown area in Alaska with freezing temperatures & you and a few of the survivors from the crash need to try to stay warm...stay hydrated and stay fed. How will you do that though?! Panic or Die game link: Follow me on Twitter! ► Watch me on Twitch! ► I made a new instagram! ► (These are the only socials that I currently have, anything else is not me!) --------------------------- We're here to have fun and not take ourselves too seriously, so any negative comments will be automatically deleted! Thanks for watching! #KubzScouts