Channel: JP and Beyond
Category: Comedy
Tags: vhsplayspider monkeyjonason pauleybeanie babytymoochchurchadultsjesse perrottacabinbestcompetitionmonster's inc.pixarholidayscenejp squared101 dalmationsfanreflectlive action toy storymemorieslive actiontape recordercamerafunnylightstoygiftskidsturtle102 dalmationstreefilmhappy meal toyshome videosnew yorkchristmastalk showsnowmcdonald'soregonlightyearbuzzpresents
Description: A stroll down a snow covered memory lane. We share some of our most special Christmas memories and our favorite gifts we've received as kids, including Buzz Lightyear, Beanie Babies, and 203 McDonald's toys. Share your favorite memory in the comments. Are you more like Jesse or like Jonason when you're given an exciting gift? We have a website! We have a podcast! We have a Patreon!