Channel: Farhana Oberson
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: staycation vlog londonfarhana obersonlondon youtuberanniversary ideas in londonlondon vlogfarhana oberson weekly vlogfarhana oberson londonfun london vlogsfarhana oberson dinnerthe shard londonfarhana oberson vlogsfarhana oberson vloganniversary in londonweekly vlogting restaurant londonlondon weekly vloglondon staycation vlogmuslim youtubers uktravel youtubersget ready with mesunburn watch hotel
Description: Anniversary vlog in London. We had so much fun on our staycation at sunborn yatch hotel and thereafter dinner at Ting restaurant at the shard. MY DRESS LINK: 🔔 Make sure to enable ALL push notifications! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE for new videos every TUESDAY & FRIDAY LETS BE FRIENDS ON: I N S T A G R A M - T I K T O K - MY SMALL BUSINESS: (worldwide shipping & Based in both UK and Kenya) I N S T A G R A M - W E B S I T E - MY YOUTUBE GEAR: Camera: Lens: _______________________________________________ FOR BUSINESS COLLABS: DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is NO additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week :D