Channel: Eikori
Category: Gaming
Tags: viego new buildviego montageleague of legendschilling smiterenata.exesmiteviego lolviegohecarim.exeomnistoneleague of legends memetages
Description: I played Viego Omnistone (Viegomnistone) just before Riot Games removes the rune Omnistone. I discovered to late that this rune on Viego was amazing. You basically could had every runes for any champ and it could've saved you from many bad situations. For example aftershock allowed you to dive easily with a champ with CC or an easy proc of Phase Rush. Also and I don't know if it was intended but when you had predator, if you killed someone with Viego's ult while predator was active, after you took the form of the champion you killed predator was still active, its like you had 2 predator in one. And it was pretty op in many situations. SO I will make my conclusion like this : League Of Legends, bring back Omnistone to the game I BEG YOU !! Lot of advantages if you sub to my Patreon ! ►Patreon : ►Discord : ►Twitter : ►Twitch : Music used : Voodoo People (Pendulum Mix) Thanks to the league partner program which helped me to create this video more easily more infos here : - #LeagueOfLegends #Viego #Omnistone