Channel: JeremyShaferOrigami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: playyoutubeorigami stress ballorigami pop it easyorigami popitdiy pop itstress ballpop it fidgetorigamijeremy shafersimplehow to makeorigami squishy ballorigami noise makerball5 minute craftsdiysimple dimpletutorialloudstresspopitjeremyshaferorigamiorigami jeremy shaferhowtoorigami waterbomb20212020easyjeremy shafer origamisquishythefidgetorigami pop itfidget toyspop itdiy fidget toysoragamiwaterbomborigami ball
Description: [Simple] This is NOT the traditional Waterbomb! This ball makes a loud crunching noise when you squish it. It's louder than the rubber Pop it toys and louder than the traditional Waterbomb balloon, and it's easier to fold too! If you push the top point down far enough there will be a delay before it pops up. Experiment to see how long you can make it delay before it pops back up. If you push it in too far then it will get stuck in the pushed-in position, but then it can be a different kind of fidget where if you push on opposite sides (the thick sides not the top) it will pop back up. What else can you do with this model? You can easily slide this ball onto your finger and you can call it a swollen finger. If you hold it between two fingers as I showed in the thumbnail you can blow onto one side and it will spin. If you want to make something that more resembles the rainbow rubber pop-it in the thumbnail, you can simply glue a bunch of these balls together in a grid, which is what was done in viral #1 origami Pop It tutorial video (500k+ views). I figured out a way to lock these squishy balls together using origami connectors pieces that I came up with, but my connector pieces are way more complex than the actual ball itself and so I decided I would just keep it simple. Easy Origami Yokamoga channel did manage to make open-bottom Pop-It boxes with simple origami connectors here: That was published June 11, 2021, and received about a 50th of the number of views as the original glue-it-all viral video, so that indicates to me that the Pop-It fad has faded considerably.... But hopefully squishy balls will always be in style! This model looks like a simple waterbomb, but it's much louder! So... It's th'bomb!😃 But what do you think....Is pop-it still popular or has the fad faded? Here are some ways to support me to make more awesome origami videos: 1. Join as a Member to get access to perks: 2. Book a private origami Zoom tutoring session here: 3: Buy one of my books or packages of paper on my Amazon shop: 4. Subscribe and hit the notification bell: 5: Follow me on Instagram: ... or Facebook: 6: Please tell your friends about my channel. Thank you for watching and enjoying these videos!