Channel: HeirofCarthage
Category: Gaming
Tags: vortexwarhammer 3advice#totalwarwarhammertzeentchoracles of tzeentch - total war: warhammer 3 - part 17tipsheiroforacles of tzeentchcarthagetotal war warhammer 3guide#warhammerfirst lookoverviewskarbrandkairos fateweaverearly accessbattlefirst campaign#totalwaronlinecampaignwalkthroughcinematicheirofcarthagestrategycommentary#totalwarwarhammeriiigameplay
Description: Epic cinematic battle filled with pastel missiles and magic? Yep we got that. Also Kairos takes on the Daemon Prince at the Dark Prince's palace. Check out EwinRacing here and use code "Heir" for 20% discount: US Store: Canada Store: If you want to support the channel and you will be buying Warhammer 3 if you do it through this link it helps me out. ORACLES OF TZEENTCH - Total War: Warhammer 3 - Part 17 #TotalWar #TotalWarWarhammer #TotalWarWarhammerIII #Warhammer Join the HeirofCarthage Discord! Follow me on Twitter!