Channel: GMW Official
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: racingchromblaurn22wheeliebmwakrapovicspeedbikemotorcycleyamahabigbangagvkomplettanlageneongelbs1000rrzx10rsuzukiburnoutracetrackdaineseneonalpinestarsauspuffhondawizstandupwheeliehighspeedfriendschromonehandedchrom bluesuperbikebluebmw s1000rrmotorradbodisknieschleiferriskkawasakiknieschleifenfunonehandwheeliechallenger1
Description: Hey Guys, we got Challenged by NicoTrico to do some Onehandedwheelies. It wasn´t possible to get all the riders to come together during this short 10 days, so 3 of us took place in this Challenge. If you are interested in the Rules watch the latest Video on his YT-Channel. YT NicoTrico: Our Nominations are: Die Reifenkiller Meddes Stoffel Have fun :) Visit our Shop: