Channel: lel m8
Category: Entertainment
Tags: flipping videoscraziest flipsfliplikeztempest tuesdaysjack paynegrav gangfreerunningtrickinggravleltempestsupertrampoline trickslel m8vercoesupertrampbailey payneeditsflipping failsparkourfailsgym sessiongtrampfunny videoseditlel mategymnasticsm8sebastianworlds firstsupertrampolinegravitated equationstempest freerunning acadamyone of the craziest sessionsbagels paynetempest sessionfreestyle trampolineparkour fails
Description: Had WAYYYY too much fun with some of my best friends in the whole world. Soo grateful i have these amazing memories with everyone! Especially the moments i got to spend with Chantel. Really hope y'all enjoyed this video as much as i enjoyed making it for you! Please SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already and TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS as well :) CHECK OUT MATETRIX TRICKING - Channel Go Fund Me -