Channel: Izzy Parkhurst
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: one brand makeup tutorialone brand tutorialone brand makeup tutorial too facedizzy parkhurstone brand tutorial too facedfull face using only too faced makeuptoo facedparkhurst18everyday makeup tutorialmakeup tutorialtoo faced makeup tutorial
Description: ♡ OPEN THIS FOR MORE IZZY ♡ Hey loves!! Today I am doing a one brand makeup tutorial with all Too Faced products!! I absolutely love their products and thought I should attempt this makeup look. Let me know what you think! xoxo VLOG CHANNEL: TWITTER: @izzyparkhurst INSTAGRAM: @parkhurst18 SNAPCHAT: @parkhurst18 Business Inquiries ONLY: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: NAME: Izzy Parkhurst AGE: 17 CAMERA: Canon 70D, Sigma 30 mm 1.4 lense EDITOR: Final Cut Pro Background Music: I do not own the rights to this music. This video is not sponsored.