Channel: Talking Thrones
Category: Entertainment
Tags: first seasonrhaenyramilly alcockhotdofficialupdatethe dance of dragonswhen will house of the dragon airthe winds of winterser otto hightowertrailerfilminghbo maxspinoff showflashbacksgame of thrones prequel seriesteaser trailercastingnewshouse targaryend&demily carey2022prequel seriestalking throneshouse of the dragondaemonseason 8hbonew seriesfire and bloodalicenttimelinerelease dategame of thronesteaserasoiafdragons
Description: Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Prequel Series video. Today I will be talking about the new official HBO announcement regarding their upcoming series, House of the Dragon. Some major casting updates have been made public thanks to the verified House of the Dragon twitter account. HBO welcomes actresses Emily Carey and Milly Alcock to the cast of the Game of Thrones Prequel Series. These young actresses will portray two of the main characters, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, and Queen Alicent Hightower, in the new series. This leaves us fans with a lot of new questions. Will they be involved in flashbacks scene only, or will there be jumps in the timeline? Check out my video, and let me know what you think down below. Thanks for watching! Images and video clips from Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are property of their creators, used here under fair use. Talking Thrones Patreon! Talking Thrones Merchandise! Outro Music: John DelVento House of the Dragon Twitter: HBO Website: