Channel: [] - worldwide emergency responses
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: code3manhattanalarmfahrtunited statesemergencyrescue911nypdbos fahrzeugerespondingpolicenew york cityresponseeinsatznyclights sirensemergency vehicleseinsatzfahrtrescue
Description: Video compilation featuring marked and unmarked NYPD vehicles responding, including the MTAPD (Metropolitan Transport Authority Police) at the very end of the video. by Dirk Steinhardt - - Manhattan, New York City, State of New York, USA - 09.2019 Facebook: Twitter: Video clips of responding emergency vehicles - wwwrescue911de On this channel you will find video clips of emergency vehicles (fire/rescue, ambulance, police) from around the world responding to calls with their warning lights and sirens. Please note that all videos being posted on this channel have been made by myself!