Channel: Nurse Blake
Category: Entertainment
Tags: verizonnurse memenursing studentnursingjennifer morrisonfunny nursehousenurse interviewhealthcarenurse blakehelping homelessnursing schoolcommunity health nursenclexnursemed surgicustudent nursehospitalnursing collegehealth careonce upon a timenurse community
Description: In the midst of a global pandemic, nurses across the country have gone to extraordinary lengths to care for patients and save lives. With many of these stories now viral, we’ve set out to uncover more about the nurses behind them. This is Notable Nurses. Sponsored by Verizon. Eligible nurses now get special rates on their personal lines on Verizon Unlimited plans, with plans starting at just $30/line per month w/4 lines on Start Unlimited. Plus taxes and fees. With Auto Pay: For eligible nurses (RNs, LPNs, LVNs and nurse practitioners), approved verification documents req'd. $35/line/mo for 4 lines on Start Unlimited, less $20 account discount. Auto Pay & paper-free billing req’d. Unlimited 4G LTE: In times of congestion, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic (only after 50 GB/mo on Play More Unlimited, Do More Unlimited and Get More Unlimited plans). Domestic data roaming at 2G speeds. MORE ABOUT THIS NOTABLE NURSE Since pandemic lockdowns began, Anne Papoff-Wallace’s daily routine has included cooking and distributing meals, driving to doctor’s appointments and providing various forms of aid for dozens of homeless people in her community—all as a volunteer. When shutdowns denied both volunteers and the homeless entry into city shelters, she shifted her volunteer efforts directly to the encampments. Today, her volunteer initiatives continue and have evolved into advocacy for more humane and effective solutions for helping the homeless in her community.