Channel: cvdzijden - Supercar Videos
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: novitec exhaustferrari v12the netherlandsf12v12 soundgermanyrossowidebodyneed for speedf12 soundferrari videoaccelerationferrari f12enginereviewassettoferrari corsaferrari f12 berlinettapov2022 ferrarinovitecmodifiedvisualf12 berlinettaforzatuningnovitec rossov12 engineassenexhaustferraribest of ferrariautotopnlcarsdrivingnovitec tuningcorsaferrari tuningstraight pipecvdzijdensupercarnfsn largoforza horizondrive
Description: This time I have filmed the Novitec Ferrari F12 N-Largo. It was present during the 2022 Day1 World of Cars in the Netherlands. You see it unloading from the truck together with the owners other private Ferrari's. In the video you see it driving and you will hear the lovely V12 engine sounds. I hope you will enjoy this video. Feel free to hit the 'thumbs up' button if you like the video! Make sure that you follow me on YouTube and subscribe to my supercar channel for the latest videos! FOLLOW ME ALSO ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: Instagram: BE SURE AND WATCH THIS VIDEO IN 1080p HD 60FPS QUALITY! Thanks for watching! Ciao, Chris /#cvdzijden