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Nothing Matters and That's Okay

Duration: 10:25Views: 133.1KLikes: 11.3KDate Created: Apr, 2020

Channel: NateIsLame

Category: Entertainment

Tags: rantstorytellingmemestick figuremental healthdawkinspandemicspaceexistentialafterlifedyingdarwinmeaningdentonweaverblack holecosmicconsciousnesscomedyphilosophyanimationanxietynihilismjesusscienceanimatedraccoon tourtellingstorytimetwenty one pilotsdeathsofarinrunningmeaning of lifelifenateislamesadhospitalgalaxyhistorichorrorcartoonstarscosmosobliviontyler josephreligionheavydirtysoulnarrationapocalypseuniversedepressiongodstory

Description: THINGS ARE SCARY RIGHT NOW! If you're fortunate enough to be in a position where you can support artists, perhaps visit my wonderful merch store? It's at Crowdmade.com/NateIsLame. My videos can be a lil sad sometimes, but it's sometimes important to put everything into perspective and really reflect on the nature of everything. In this special lil meditation on existential nihilism and Terror Management Theory, I try my darned hardest to answer a really easy question: Why do anything? I know this is some pretty intense and heavy subject matter, but I really hope you watching this will come away from this feeling energized and motivated rather than bummed and stuff. Everything kinda does suck for everyone, especially right now. But that's kinda more the reason to continue tricking yourself that it doesn't. All we have is our perception of the world and our day to day experiences. Why throw that away, ya know? The brilliant song at the end is "Nothingness Vs. The Optimistic Spirit" by St. Terrible, my favorite artist in the northwest United States. Check it out on Spotify and stuff if you can. By the way! I kinda tasked myself with a challenge for this video: I wanted movement in EVERY SINGLE SECOND of this project. No still stick dudes running through lines like a Powerpoint. I'm kinda experimenting to make my videos a lil more visually interesting. If you thought this was a neat lil thingiemabobber, please let me know. I'm very self conscious and nervous about trying new things. BY THE WAY SOME DISCLAIMERS! This video is kinda approaching this topic from a secular perspective. If you're like "but the Bible says sdfjkahfkjdhaskfdh" we're not gonna get anywhere. We're on two very different planes of information to compare and contrast. I talk about religion stuff more in-depth in my other video, "My Thoughts on Religion." "But Nate, we don't completely know if-" Listen dude, you're free to think whatever you'd like. That's cool. I'm not here to change minds or anything, I'm just here to think out loud and draw silly stick people and whatever. But when you assert some level of uncertainty on the very fabrics of reality, our understanding of the laws of nature, and so on so forth... You're kinda going toe-to-toe with brilliant scientists who have dedicated their lives to understanding, testing, and experimenting with this stuff. The scientific method is never 100% certain on anything, but it's often 99.9% sure about most of the stuff it asserts. Just because you don't completely understand how something works doesn't mean it's untrue. It's your responsibility to educate yourself. "But Nate, the meaning of life is a test! We're put here to make our own decisions, to be good people! Choosing between good and evil, free will, so on so forth!" This is not a very well thought-out assertion like... at all dawg. It basically comes down to this: If God is omnipotent, he's in control of whether or not injustice is a necessary foil to extract obligatory meaning out of anything. He also knows the outcome of all moral situations he throws his creations into. Either god is bound to pre-existing ideals or he's evil. But again, this video is also kinda assuming we're on a secular basis of understanding with each other. I'm just throwing this disclaimer in here since I know there are gonna be hundreds of 14 year olds trying to argue this in the comments, and it's gonna blow up my phone for months on end after I've posted this video. Wow you actually read all this? I'm impressed. You get a banana Laffy Taffy for your efforts. ---------------- whatever you do, don't go to bit.ly/NateIsLame. or Crowdmade.com/NateIsLame or Twitter.com/NateIsLame666 or instagram.com/NateIsLame666 it's bad for your health.

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