Channel: Drift0r
Category: Gaming
Tags: vive flow gamingvirtual reality3.2kdrift0rsoftwareandroidhtc vive flow4k vrupdatehtc vive flow reviewbest vr headsetmediametaversevive reviewvive setupvive360 vrvive cosmosvive flow unboxingvive flow setupvive flow hands onflowcontrollergamingdriftorhtc vive cosmosmobilevive flow reviewmedia playerhtc vive probest vr media playervive flow pcphone4ksetuphands onhtc vive flow vs oculus quest 2vrvive flowvr headset
Description: The Future of Gaming: The HTC Vive Flow is one of the most impressive and weirdest VR headsets that I've ever used. This tiny VR headset weighs less than half a pound and is smaller than my phone yet still delivers 3K video and high frame rate. It is super portable and great at play 360 VR media. Unfortunately, the software leaves a lot to be desired, is Android only, and has a lot of corners cut. I hope you enjoy this HTC Vive Flow review and hands on testing. Twitch: Shorts channel: Twitter: Discord: 5% off ASTRO: Code "drift0r" also saves 5% off (if the link doesn't do it automatically) Gamer Advantage Glasses: 10% off w/ code "drift0r" 5% off Netduma R2 Router w/ code "DRFT" CoD Creator code: "DRIFT0R" ^must be all CAPS, 0 is a zero Epic Games Support-a-Creator: "drift0r_thereal" Get a free stock from WeBull: