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Northern hemisphere good news

Duration: 23:12Views: 245.7KLikes: 9.7KDate Created: May, 2022

Channel: Dr. John Campbell

Category: Education

Tags: human biologydiseasebiologymedical educationphysiologyhealthnursingmedicinehuman bodycampbellnclexpathophysiologynurse education

Description: Covis symptom tracker data youtube.com/watch?v=9qsd4p8TWvI&t=33s Cases down in all age groups and regions R = 0.8 One in 20 people currently infected (government cases about 20% of infections) coronavirus.data.gov.uk Symptoms Runny nose, 84% Fatigue, 72% Sore throat, 69% Sneezing, 69% Headache, 68% Persistent cough, 57% Hoarse, 49% Chills or shivers, 37% Joint pains, 34% Dizzy, 32% Fever, 31% Brain fog, 29% Sore eyes, 27% Altered smell, 26% Muscle pains 23% Lower back pain, 23% Swollen glands, 21% Skipped meals, 19% Ear ringing, (Tinnitus) 19% Diarrhoea Tinnitus N = 5,000 Couple of days Exacerbation Moderate / intermittent 50% of weeks or months Cancer, menopause, childhood viral hepatitis

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