Channel: Noisestorm
Category: Music
Tags: dropreasondubplatenerodrumwobbledubstephouseshockwavesnarebarmusicfilthyandnoisemixbroineoinstormliquicitybasslinenoisestorminspectordubbasskickukfdubstepstepukfdrumandbassremix
Description: Like this song? Buy it here: Facebook: Soundcloud: Twitter: Backup Account: A new Dubstep track under my new name "Noisestorm". The audio quality is terrible at 360p, so please listen at 720p for good quality. Be sure to like the Facebook page for Noisestorm here:!/pages/Noisestorm/117457584985113 For those of you who don't like Dubstep, don't worry, I have lots more Drum and Bass on the way. I like to have a variety in my tunes, and I enjoy making Dubstep just as much as I do with Drum and Bass. I have been trying to improve the standard of my new tracks under Noisestorm, making them clearer, and as good as I can. This means I spend a lot more time at my tracks, so expect a new upload every 2-3 weeks. For those looking to buy this track, and any of my new tracks, I am going to wait until I have a few decent ones made, then I will probably make a 4-5 track EP for sale on iTunes, and other online music stores. Thanks for 4,000 subscribers too, I really appreciate all your great comments and likes! For those people looking for the Emblem Extravaganza track that I made, it is available to buy on iTunes here: If you liked the track, comment on what you thought, your feedback really helps!