Channel: Sadora Paris
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: crochet haircrochet braids tutorialhair tutorialnatural hair stylecurly hair tutorialhow to crochet braidsnatural hairstylenatural hairstylescurly hair routinenatural hair protective stylescurly hairstylesnatural hairprotective stylescurly haircrochet braidsnatural hair tutorial
Description: π STAY UPDATED WIT YA GIRL! My Herbal Hair Growth Oil Instagram: Instagram: Hair from 5.5 packs 1B SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already & TURN on Notifications to Join the Challenge! π β₯β₯β₯ HANG OUT WITH ME! β€β₯β₯ π SnapChat @Sadora.P (for live updates on hair growth oil) π Instagram @SadoraParis π Facebook @Sadora Paris