Channel: SuperBike Racer
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: super bikessuperbike raceryamaha r6 soundr6gsxr 1000yamaha r1 soundducatitriumph daytona 675r1 yamahazx 10rbike raceracing bikemv agusta f3aprilia rsv4bike riderr1msuzuki gsxr 1000yamaha r6superbiker6 yamahayamaha r1bike ridingr1
Description: Obviously NITRO mode is just a joke for the “N” gear on my dash which appears every time i am on full throttle with 6th gear and needs calibration but who cares 😅 BE THE BEST NOT THE FASTEST !!! Be The Best Not Always Mean You Are The Fastest !!! Never Ride On Your Limits Ride Safe And Go Back Home In 1 Piece Enjoy The Video Bikes : Yamaha R6 2008 Tyres : Continental Raceattack street Camera : GoPro Hero 10 Exhaust : Akrapovic full race system with much more upgrades