Channel: ExxotikGaming
Category: Gaming
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Description: "Rainbow Six Mobile Gameplay - Rainbow Six Mobile Game! R6 Mobile Alpha Gameplay (Rainbow Six Siege Mobile Gameplay) iOS/Android APK R6 Mobile Download Is HERE for Select Few, Rainbow Six Siege Mobile First Gameplay! How to Play Rainbow Six Mobile Closed Alpha Test - Gameplay Live 2022!" ★ LIKE IF YOU'RE HYPED FOR THIS GAME! ★ Hey guys! Welcome back to another video on the channel! I am SO EXCITED because I managed to get into the first CLOSED ALPHA for Rainbow Six Mobile! I played it for the first time today and it is AWESOME! I am still a complete and utter noob (as expected LOL), but I can't wait to start my journey of getting better at this game! Please comment on all the tips and tricks you can for me and I'll see you guys again soon! :) Hope you guys enjoyed! Liking, favoriting, and subscribing helps a ton! :D Enjoyed the video? Make sure to smash that "like" button, comment, favorite, and subscribe for more Rainbow Six Siege Mobile videos! Heck, even put this video in a playlist if you so desire! The next video, whether it'll be a news video, tips and tricks video, funny commentary, or just some random R6 Siege Mobile gameplay, will usually be out about a few days after the previous video! My Instagram: My Twitter: #RainbowSixMobile #RainbowSixSiege #Gameplay #Android #Download #iOS #RainbowSixSiegeMobile #FirstGameplay #Reaction #MobileGaming