Channel: JWhisp
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftmobcliffsminecraft glarebeeminecraft new allayminecraft beesupdateminecraft vote allayalayminecraft mob votearmourallayglare1.18minecraft mobjwispandminecraft live 2021 mob votevoteliveminecraft new mobnewmob votecaveslushminecraft new updateminecraft liveminecraft allaycaves and cliffsarmorjwhispallieminecongear
Description: Hey guys JWhisp here for another Minecraft live update video. Today we get a look at the second mob for the 2021 mob vote... the Allay. We discuss this mob and how it collects items for you and could potentially be a bit over powered. Find me outside of YouTube | ⚫Twitter: ⚫Twitch: ⚫Instagram: ⚫Discord: #Minecraft #MinecraftLivel #MobVote