Channel: TheLoLHounds
Category: Gaming
Tags: twisted fate swain deckdeck guide lortf swain decklegends of runeterra new cardsbest twisted fate deckkeg burnnerf twisted fatebest swain deckswain deck lorthelolhoundsgrapplrlegends of runeterraswimstrimswain deck legends of runeterratwisted fate deck lorswain decklolhoundstwisted fate lor deckbest decks lortwisted fate deckmogwaideck guidetwisted fate deck legends of runeterratf swain lor
Description: Legends of Runeterra (LOR) Twisted Fate and Swain Bilgewater Noxus Burn Gameplay. Make it rain buffs and Targon nerfs help bring TF Swain deck back into the meta Legends of Runterra new expansion and cards. Deck guide. Decklist: CICACAIDFYBAGBQIB4CAEBQEDITC2BACAMAQOCAJAMAQEAYDAEBQGDIBAQBQEAIBAEBTO Twitter: Twitch: #LOR #Swain #LegendsofRuneterra