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New Gigantamax Pokemon Sword and Shield Fanmade (Part 3)

Duration: 02:32Views: 947KLikes: 14KDate Created: Oct, 2019

Channel: Secret21bobby

Category: Gaming

Tags: megahow toshieldfakemongeneration 8primalfan artgiganticgrookeyeightleaksobblesplitlegendaryextragiantgalarhugeevolutionstutorialgigantamaxgenerationnewmega evolvegrowpokemonmaxmorescorebunnyfanmadefinal evolutionstonefusionswordevolvegen 8stagesstory

Description: Here are a few ideas for gigantamax forms for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Artwork: Gigantamax Arcanine - Balintcservenyi Gigantamax Arbok - Balintcservenyi Gigantamax Drampa - SyndarilArt Gigantamax Sandslash - Balintcservenyi Gigantamax Seaking - Balintcservenyi Gigantamax Cryogonal - Pokejay_mon Gigantamax Lugia - Balintcservenyi Gigantamax Ho-oh - Balintcservenyi Gigantamax Reuniclus - SyndarilArt Gigantamax Celebi - Balintcservenyi Music: Pokémon Sword and Shield Trailer Theme Remix - GlitchxCity

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