Channel: Brianna K
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: stuffinghow tosaladsweet potatoeseasy turkey dinnerhomemakingsimpledecorate with meone panholidaygreen beansmotherhoodditlsquashroutinecheesecakevegetariancookingprep with menew recipesrecipescook with meone pan thanksgiving dinnerside dishesclean with mebrianna k2021veganhomemade mac and cheeseeasylifestyleone pan turkey dinnerholiday prepfastone potturkeythanksgivingmaplehomemakercranberrycorn bread2021 thanksgiving
Description: Cook an EASY thanksgiving dinner with me for 2021! Thank you Our Place for sponsoring today's 2021 Thanksgiving dinner cook with me! Be sure to get your Perfect Pot and Always Pan We're cooking up some delicious NEW RECIPES including vegetarian sides: homemade Mac and cheese and holiday squash plus a vegan fall salad with pomegranate vinaigrette, and a super simple one pan turkey dinner that has turkey breast, corn bread stuffing, sweet potatoes, and garlic green beans! Plus bake with me because we're cooking up a super yummy maple cranberry cheesecake dessert that is SO easy and SO delicious!!! š„° I share the schedule so you know how to shop and prep for hosting your holiday dinner whether you're cooking for Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, Christmas, or another Holiday dinner, I hope you enjoy these simple and easy holiday recipes! Be sure to tag me over on instagram if you make any of these recipes! @bitsofbri Thanks so much for homemaking with me for this 2021 Christmas and Thanksgiving! SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING LOVES!!! Love, Brianna K xoxo #briannak #cookwithme #2021thanksgiving #thanksgivingrecipes #thanksgivingsidedishes #homemaking #homemaker #2021christmas #holidayrecipes #thanksgivingdinner #prepwithme #getitalldone #OurPlace #MagicLinks @OurPlace @MagicLinks