Channel: Laliberte Cinemas
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gunscool nerf battlecool nerf moviebest nerf videoawesome nerf warnerf war boys vs girlsbest nerf battlenerf gunsamazing nerf battleboys vs girlsboys vs girls part 3matis lalibertenerfcool nerf warnerf filmnerf videoboys nerfamazing nerf warnerf movienerf toystreehousegirls nerfpart 3nerf battlebest nerf warawesome nerf videoamazing nerf videobest nerf movielaliberte cinemasnerf war
Description: In part one of this series the girls won but the boys quickly got their revenge in part two. Who will be able to break the tie and win part three? Comment below who you think is going to win. Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more videos at the beginning of each month. Follow me on Instagram: laliberte_cinemas Special thanks to Ross Bugden for the music! Link to his channel: Link to the music: