Channel: RetroSpect
Category: Gaming
Tags: twitch reactspalulumanapex dank memespewdiepiediceloldiceboidiceboisuccsgibbyapex coinsretrospectexodustwololrazorhailapexapex.exereactsexeapex memesellpamiragedankest memesapex retrospectfreeexoseason5captaintyphotwitchmemesdankseason4sinaliciousfitzretrostaycationmemesmemes adswattsonadsapex cryptoninjadank memesexe..exeexodus.exegooflolbottlcapsponsorships
Description: Valkyrie is so good... she might be my new main. She has rocket launcher that stun you, bruh. Folllow and keep up with me on my socials! TWITTER- Yt_Retrospect 🎙 TWITCH- 👕 MERCH- 👾 DISCORD- Friends in the video: @Diceboi @Bottlecap SeloChan Gambolly For business information please message ------------------- Songs Used- Crash Bandicoot Wraith of cortex Ruler of Underground Easy Breezy Eurobeat --------- tags ignore apex, apex legends, apex.exe , exe. , apex wins, apex loses, apex funny moments, apex edits, apex memes, dank memes, season8 ,fuse,fusey, apex fuse, fuse.exe, wattson memes, apex memes, apex legends memes, reacts, twitch reacts, events, apex events, apex edits, --------- #Valkyrie #Apex #SeasonLegacy