Channel: NerfBoyProductions
Category: Entertainment
Tags: nerf unboxingsnerf gunnerf combosnerf warsnerf dartdart gun2017unboxingreviewnerfunboxing and reviewnerf blasterregulatornerf reviewsnerfboyproductionsnerf videon-strikemodulusblaster
Description: Hey guys, I was just on the Canadian ToysRus website when I noticed that they had added the brand new Nerf Regulator. So I went my local store, and although they didn't have any there, I was able to place on order right from the store. 1 week later, and here we are with my unboxing, demo, and first look at the brand new 2017 nerf n-strike modulus regulator! I hope you enjoy :D Click HERE To buy the blaster: (this affiliate link provides a small commission for me at no extra cost to youđ) âșVLOG CHANNEL: âșINSTAGRAM: @adambboy5 âșTWITTER: âșFACEBOOK: âșGOOGLE+: New Videos Every Saturday âșSUBSCRIBE HERE: Thanks to all of you for making NBP so much fun! -Adam :)