Channel: TheLoLHounds
Category: Gaming
Tags: blade danceazir decklor ireliairelia azir deckirelia deckthelolhoundsruneterrafunny momentsazireliairelia azir gameplaylegends of runeterrapls nerfnerf plsirelia vs azirirelia deck runeterrairelia lorirelia lor decknerf irelia azirlolhoundsdeck guideazir deck lorblade dance deckirelia azir
Description: Legends of Runeterra (LOR) nerf Irelia Azir deck please. Irelia Azir the blade dance archetype that has been pretty strong for a few patches now. Deck guide and gameplay with some memes. Decklist: CMBQCAICFICQIAQEAUEASCYFAQDQGDI2GM3AEAIEA5OQEAICAYGACAIDAICQ Twitter: Twitch: #LOR #decks #LegendsofRuneterra