Channel: Rock 'N Learn
Category: Education
Tags: kindergartenalphabetseducationnd blendphonics songs learn to readkindergarten songsspeech therapyconsonant blendsboost reading skillschildren's songsletter sounds songenglish alphabet songphonics song 2 wordssongs for kidssongs for childrenletter recognitionphonicsphonics songphonics for kidsend blendpreschool songsanimationnd soundabc phonics songndearly readingrock n learn phonicspreschoolending blends
Description: This animated phonics song helps children learn the sound of the ending blend ND in English. A blend is a combination of letters where each letter makes its own sound. The sounds of the letters are blended together. Fun characters teach kids two words at a time with the ND sound at the end. Kids will love singing along and watching the action after each group of two words. As they do, they’ll practice making the ND ending blend sound. Developed with speech therapists to form each letter sound correctly. Extra practice reading words with the letter combination ND follows the song. ND Blend Song lyrics: The letter n makes the sound n-n-n and the letter d makes the sound d-d-d If we put n and d together at the END of a word, they make the sound: ND - ND - ND nd - sound sound - nd nd - grand grand - nd nd - nd nd - blond blond - nd nd - pond pond - nd nd - nd nd - hand hand - nd nd - stand stand - nd nd - nd nd - sand sand - nd nd - band band - nd nd - nd nd - wand wand - nd nd - find find - nd nd - nd Great job! Now, see if you can read these words before me, or along with me. These words have the letters n-d at the end. and land brand end send bend kind grind mind behind bond fond round hound fund