Channel: Victoria_Lilee Vids
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mystery wheel of slime challengemystery wheel of slimemystery wheel of slime switch-upslime switch up challengeslime videowheel of mystery slimemystery wheel of slime switch up challengeswitch upmystery wheel challengeslime challengemystery wheelswitch up challengevictoria and lilee vidsmystery slime challengemystery slime wheelvictoria and lileewheel of slime challengemystery slimewheel of mystery slime challengevictoria_lilee vids
Description: This is the Mystery Wheel of Slime Switch Up Challenge!!! This video was a lot of fun. When spinning the wheel, if we landed on switch-up, we had to trade slime bowls. Watch to see what we end up with and if we are able to make slime. If you haven't already please subscribe to become one of our Viclees and turn on post notifications by clicking the bell so you do not miss any of our videos. Thank you so much for watching!