Channel: Goose's Gamer Folklore
Category: Gaming
Tags: dam 52goldeneye 007unexpectedn64 minispeedrun historyprogressionworld record progressionworld recordspeedrun reactionunknownn64 gamesthe-elite.netspeedrun analysisspeedrun wrgamergamesdonequickspeedrunspeedrun mysteryspeedrunninggamingspeedrunnersbopeepspeedrunsgaming analysisthe-eliteanalysisthe world is not enoughn64wr progressionspeedrun progressiongdqgoldeneyeworld record speedrunstreets 112
Description: A mysterious speedrunner appears on the scene, reveals multiple amazing world records, then disappears mysteriously. Sound like a familiar story? Well... yes, this isn't the first or only time this has happened. But it is indeed another instance of such a speedrun mystery. This is the story of BoPeep, who appeared on the "The World is Not Enough" speedrunning scene. Revealing FIVE untied world records, hanging out with the community for about a week, and then vanishing completely. Enjoy the world record history, speedrun analysis & progression of various TWINE records, stages and legends of the game. A big thanks to Wyst3r, Mavalock and MW for sharing all the crazy details of this story with me! -- Speedruns featured in this video... (will be linked later). -- Music used in my videos is made and produced specifically for this channel by Carathorn: -- Please consider supporting SpeedLore on Patreon! You can watch me live at and follow at Contact: Thanks for watching, and until next time, stay true!