Channel: The BIGGEST
Category: Entertainment
Tags: real mermaidsbiglargestwashed up fishkiller whalemonster on beachtop 10biggestexploding whalehair blob on beachthe biggestdecomposing sharkhugesea cucumbercoelocanthraining fishsea pickleoarfishbeached whaleswashed up jellyfishwashed up sharksorcaancient fishliving fossilsea monster
Description: Learn about the BIGGEST of everything in the world! Check out our new videos, posted every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. There's something for everyone. Be sure to subscribe right here: 9. Sharks Without Livers If you were told that sharks were washing up on the beaches of a country, you'd think it odd, but not mysterious. But what if those sharks had various things missing from them as they washed ashore? That was the mystery in South Africa when a series of Great White Sharks came on the shores...but were missing their livers and other organs. 8. The Philippines Hair Blob In 2018, an entity was found on a beach in the Philippines, and no one could tell what it was or wasn't. It was "blob-like" but also had a lot of "Hair" on it. In terms of size, it was 20 feet long (6m). The mysterious nature of it fed into the superstition of the local people: 7. Muriwai Monster In 2016, a man was walking down the beach of Muriwai in Auckland New Zealand when he discovered what he thought was a monster. Later it was named the Muriwai Monster. After word of the creature spread scientists came down and took a look at what it was. They revealed that it was nothing more than...driftwood. Yes, driftwood. A rather large piece of wood that was covered in Gooseneck Barnacles to give it its "monstrous" form. 6. Beached Whales Beached whales are a story that everyone has heard of, and you might even know of rescue stories about people trying to get whales back into the ocean so that they can survive after being washed up. It's a semi-common occurrence, believe it or not. However, how this happens at all is one of the biggest mysteries of the ocean. Why? Because it doesn't make sense how whales end up on land, and also end up so far inland that they can't get back without help. 5. Oarfish Sometimes the ocean washes up a creature that scientists had no idea existed. Believe it or not, this is how we came to learn about the Oarfish. This is a large fish that is the largest "bony fish" alive that we know of. The largest one ever discovered was 36 feet (11m) long. When first found, many scientists felt it was a hoax, as it was "too strange" to be a real creature. 4. Smooth Skate Maria Lombard was near a beach in New Zealand when she found something she didn't expect. She saw a serpent-like sea creature skeleton washed up on the shore, and despite her knowing a lot of sea creatures via being a veterinarian, she didn't know exactly what this creature was. The being in question was thin and over 7 feet (2.2 m) in length, and its "head" was one that didn't have the usual shape of a skeleton. 3. Sea Pickles In 2017, a very strange epidemic hit the Oregon coastline. What was it? A group of bizarre and scary creatures suddenly appeared on their beaches, and their numbers were in the millions. Yes, millions of them in one close-knit area. It was an invasion...of Sea Pickles. These creatures (also called Pyrosomes) started appearing on the coasts of Oregon back in 2015, however, they weren't even close to the numbers they were here. So in a mere two years, the number of Sea Pickles multiplied quite exponentially, and no one is sure as to why it happened. It’s totally bizarre, both in terms of the numbers and why it happened on this particular coastline. 2. Sea Monster Of New Zealand On a New Zealand beach known as Bay of Plenty in 2013, a carcass of a "sea monster" appeared. The creature was in a very decomposed state, which revealed massive teeth that further cemented it as a "monster". The 30 feet (9m) in length of the creature also helped paint a picture of a "monstrous entity" which shocked tourists and residents alike. Scientists had to come investigate what this monster really was. 1. Mermaid Mermaids play a major role in the mythology of the world, and there are an infinite amount of stories about who they are, what they do, their "abilities" and more. Plus, there have been MANY stories of mermaids being found in one form or another, including being washed up on the beaches of Scotland. In 1830, people of the town of Benbecula were enjoying time on the beach when a woman saw something odd in the water. Oddly enough, it was a miniature woman, which is particularly alarming because superstitious people from Scotland believe that mermaids are actually miniature sized! The woman alerted her fellow townspeople about the sighting. Though they weren't able to get the mermaid, some kids threw rocks at it, and apparently hit the mermaid in the head.