Channel: Georgia's Cakes
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: cake designspongehow i becamerecipecake designercake makercake trendcookiescake journeybasic bakingbakinggeorgias cakesdiycaketiktokcake businesscake tutorialmy storybasic recipecakestutorialbeginner bakingcoronabaking tutorialbusinessfood trendmy journeyhow to bakebake a cakehow to cake ithow i became a cake makereasy bakingquarantine cookinglockdown recipecake decoratinghow to make a cakedrip cakecupcake
Description: From leaving animation school and studying at Le Cordon Bleu, to moving from London to Tel Aviv during the Covid pandemic and opening up a baking school. This is my journey and story about how I became Georgia's Cakes. Enjoy! x @georgiascakes Use Georgia20 for 20% off your order of cake equipment, ingredients and more at Sugar Arts Canada! See all my photography and baking equipment in my Amazon Storefront: Short Trip by Roa Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library