Channel: Cody the Car Guy
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: how tocody the car guysolar powerwww.codythecarguy.comoff grid tiny house solar1159 videosoff grid solarsolar powered shopsolar 101going solartiny house solarsolar how totiny housediy auto repairssolar grid tie systempower meter going backwardssolar grid tie
Description: The shop now has 4 240w panels and 4 215w micro inverters along with the shop lights being switched from the 8' t12 fluorescent to 4' led lights and the meter was going backwards. So 860 watts of grid tie pretty much runs the shop refrigerator's and office and still the meter went backwards. Now tomorrow we will see what 5 240w panels and 5 215w micro inverters can do which will be 1075 watts to the grid. Also coming up will be my diy Solar hot water heater. And yes I will be putting new fascia up soon and painting the building. Don't Forget to Subscribe today for more fact or fiction, diy ,how to car repair,spooky or funny videos uploaded weekly.