Channel: Cray
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: alramberlynn and becky girlfriend tagamberlynn reid cringeamberlynn and becky worse phaseamber reidweight watchersamberlynn reid mukbangamberlynn reid documentaryamberlynn reid eatingdestiny and dana engagedamberlynnamberlynn weight watchersamberlynn reid engagementamberlynn reidamberlynn reid beckyamberlynn and destiny dramaamberlynn reid becky annoyeddestiny and dana talking about amberdestiny and dana and amberamber reid food
Description: ok but the lashes yall in this video Amberlynn Reid calls me, im not gonna say hope you guys enjoy, i just know you will LOL as for my thoughts on her original video- super unfunny, zero effort put into the "script" (which was just her repeating shit that doesn't make sense), terrible editing, her audience gets so little from her to the point they were actually entertained by that garbage, thanks for coming to my Ted talk twitter instagram #alr #amberlynnreid #amberlynn