Channel: My neighbor Billy
Category: Comedy
Tags: hillbilly neighborbillychili dog sonictater totsfails of the weekmy crazy neighborcringechili dog asmrangry neighborpublic freakoutwtf momentshillbilly neighborssonic muckbangcrazy ladyredneckfunny videosneighbor billyneighbourscaught on cameraneighbor vlogsmy neighbor billycrazy peoplefailpeople are crazyredneck lifesonic drive thrufunny youtuberscrazy neighborscrazy people in publicfunny vlogstater tots mukbang
Description: Billy found the keys to the ranger so she decided to take it for a little joyride down to Sonic to get herself some chili dogs and tater tots! Thanks for watching & don't forget to subscribe for NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! For EXCLUSIVE billy stuff and videos, follow us on our socials! ▶ ▶ #funny #myneighborbilly #freakout Thanks for watching the video my neighbor billy⎮the SONIC CHILI DOG AND TATER TOTS MADE HER DO IT!