Channel: TheWarOwl
Category: Gaming
Tags: warowlcsgo competitive map3 lanecompetitive map designcsgo funny momentscounter strike new mapcsgo map tips3 lane theoryde_amigowarowl new mapcounter strike map comparisonfaceitcsgo creative mapmapcorecsgo map makingcounter strike map designthewarowlnew csgo mapwarowl mapfaceit hubmapcore faceit hubamigocsgo map designnew map csgocounter strike map editorcounter strike map making3 lane maps
Description: My new map de_amigo was played on Faceit in the Mapcore Community HUB. In this video I use feedback and statistics to make huge changes to my new Counter-Strike map. Is amigo a balanced csgo map? Big thanks to the Mapcore community! Check out the Faceit Mapcore hubs here to play custom maps and maps in development competitively: TWITTER ► TWITCH ► REDDIT ►