Channel: Inprint
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: plan with meeasy bullet journal setuppurple flowers journalbullet journal setupbee2022 bullet journal setupstart journalingbullet journalpurple plan with mepwmbee journalinprintbullet journal minimal2022 bullet journalbullet journal setup 2022how to bullet journal2022 plan with mesimple bullet journalbullet journal ideasjournal inspirationhow to planbee flowers plan with memonthly bullet journal set upeasy bullet journal
Description: April is basically over and I am only just uploading this video! Better late than never as they say :) The Printable - The Bullet Journal I use - The supplies I use (Brush pens, fine liners etc)- Instagram - TimeStamps 0:00 - Intro 0:10 - Cover page 1:36 - Calendar 3:23 - Trackers 5:26 - 1 line a day 6:24 - Insta plan 8:13 - Flip through MUSIC Music by Chillhop: Listen on Spotify: #bulletjournal #aprilplanwithme #2022