Channel: Nessa Lai
Category: Gaming
Tags: roblox gameplayvehicle simulator new updatevehicle simulator new carvehicle simulator new carsroblox driving gameroblox supercarkaonateroblox sports carfamily gaminggeneral audiencenew car in robloxvehicle simulatorbugatti chiron vehicle simulatorvehicle simulator updateroblox vehicle simulatorroblox vehicle simulator new carkaonate adventuresnessalaisports cargameplay
Description: My Brother KaoNate Stole my Channel to Upload a Roblox Vehicle Simulator Video KaoNate is buying a new car on Roblox Vehicle Simulator and its the new Bugatti. It is really expensive but he uses all the money he earned in the game to buy it then customize it in this video. It's the bugatti chiron vehicle simulator. Subscribe to NessaLai chanenel