Channel: Kristy Bae
Category: Entertainment
Tags: high school morning routineemily paulichiday in a lifecarina natalie4:30 am morning routineonline school morning routinemorning routinewaking up at 5 am for a weekolivia somersillehigh school online morningproductive morning routinekelly michalitacaroline manningmy 7 am school morning routinecarmen
Description: hi guys! heres my realistic 7 am online school morning routine as a sophomore in high school! i also vlogged a bit of my classes, where i mostly took notes and tried to pay attention lol. hope you enjoy! ♡ s o c i a l s: instagram: spam acc: spotify: depop: tiktok: vsco: pinterest: snapchat: twitter: f a q : where do you live? california age/grade? 15 ,10th ethnicity? korean american cameras/editing software? canon g7x + canon m50 and final cut pro x e m a i l : for business inquiries ONLY: d i s c l a i m e r s : i do not own or claim any or all music used in this video. s u b c o u n t : 347,423 i love u guys so much, make sure to drink lots of water and eat something today! -kristy ♡ t a g s: school morning routine, online school, 7 am online school, productive morning, morning routine, school morning, online morning, online school morning routine, productive online school morning routine, school 7 am productive morning routine, my real school morning routine, 7 am morning, 6 am morning, 5 am morning, school vlog, high school, quarantine, online school, high school morning routine, productive school routine,