Channel: Tantacrul
Category: Music
Tags: music softwarereason 10propellerheads reason 10reason dawsoftware designreason (software)propellerheads reason 10.2software design patternstantacrulinterface design principlespropellerheads reasonsoftware design principlesreason 10 reviewmusicmusic notation software (software genre)reason 10.2dawpropellerheads reason 11propellerhead softwareinterface design
Description: My Patreon page: In this video, I discuss interface design and music software by focusing on Propellerhead's flagship DAW: Reason 10. I look at how they adjusted to the ever-changing audio production landscape over the last 18 years and the painful choices they needed to make in order to succeed. I conclude with a few software design principles. --- NOTE: This was not a 'paid for' review. I have had no contact with Propellerhead prior to the release of this video. --- Special thanks to Savith Wadasinghe for his tireless 'proof watching' and editing advice. --- Attribution: The horror music at the end of the video was created by GowlerMusic: