Channel: B&B Project
Category: Music
Tags: ukrainiansong mothermother songsmother's daysong ukrainiansong ukrainemotherой у лузі червона калина караокеukrainian musicdaughter singing songmother singing to babymother with daughter songsой у лузі червона калинаmother singing ukrainianmother songmother with daughtersongukrainian daughterukrainian motherdaughter sinigngmother singing songsong about motherсічові стрільціukraineukrainian songmother!daughtermothers daughter
Description: Mother with Daughter Singing Ukrainian Song: Ой у лузі червона калина. Now Ukraine is defending itself from Russian aggression. Civilians and children die every day ... Russian planes bomb residential areas. Help Ukraine win this war: Tetiana Mazur with her mother Natalia singing Ukrainian song - "Oy u luzi chervona kalyna" (In the meadow, a red kalyna). In the meadow, there a red kalyna, has bent down low , For some reason, our glorious Ukraine, has been worried so. And we'll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up, And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey - hey, cheer up - and rejoice! And we'll take that red kalyna and we will raise it up, And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey - hey, cheer up - and rejoice! Marching forward, our fellow volunteers, into a bloody fray, For to free, our brother - Ukrainians, from hostile chains. And we, our brother - Ukrainians, we will then liberate, And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey - hey, cheer up - and rejoice! And we, our brother - Ukrainians, we will then liberate, And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey - hey, cheer up - and rejoice! Do not bend low, Oh red kalyna, You have a white flower. Do not worry, glorious Ukraine, You have a free people. And we'll take that red kalyna and will raise it up, And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey - hey, cheer up - and rejoice! And we'll take that red kalyna and will raise it up, And we, our glorious Ukraine, shall, hey - hey, cheer up - and rejoice! #ukraine #ойулузічервонакалина #ukrainemusic