Channel: Jake Dufner
Category: Entertainment
Tags: chilling storiesdashcamjake dufner vlogsscary dashcam videosscary storiesdisturbinghorror storiesscaryscary car footagehorrortrue horror storiesdashcam footage10 scary stories8 most disturbing things caught on dashcam footagescary true storiesjake dufner scarytrue scary storieschilling scaresscary dash cam footagejake dufnertruetrue stories8 horrifying videos from around the internetcreepymr nightmare
Description: LIMITED EDITION MERCH! The most terrifying moment caught on dash cam. this is the scariest videos caught on camera and we dissect them together to make the world a better place subscribe here- Family Channel- Dufnerbrand Productions- Internment season 1 here- All content on this channel is copyrighted and licensed by "Dufnerbrand Productions". Protected under The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17, United States code, Public Law 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541) Anyone who publishes content produced by "Dufnerbrand Productions" without license will be subject to infringement.