Channel: Maltshake Animations
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: dropshippingmonster school animationmonster school funnymonster school presentsmaltshakemonster school minecraftminecraft monster schoolxdjamesminecraft schoolminecraft santa clausшкола монстровmonster school challengemarketingminecraft christmas presentmaltshake animationsmonster school santaмонстр школаsanta animationhaha animationsminecraft santainvestingmonster school christmas presentsmonster school christmasmonster school
Description: Video for this week: Monster School : UNBOXING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS - Minecraft Animation - Instagram: - I hope you enjoyed this animation! As always if you enjoyed please: Like! Subscribed! And hit that bell so you don't miss any of my future uploads! - Help me reach 1,000,000 Subscribers by subscribing!!!! :D ╱╱┏╮ ╱╱┃┃ ▉━╯┗━╮ ▉┈┈┈┈┃ ▉╮┈┈┈┃ ╱╰━━━╯ - #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #minecraft