Channel: MonkeyBoo
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: pet capuchin monkeycute monkeymonkeybaby monkeymonkey videomonkey boomonkey videosmonkey opens fan mailmonkeyboo crewmonkey fan mailcute pet videostalking monkeymomnkey eatingmonkeyboomonkey unboxing mailfunny monkeypopular monkeylive streammonkey funhealthy treatspet monkeymonkey unboxingsweet monkeyhappy birthdayfan mailmonkey soundstrained monkeymonkey foragingcapuchin monkeymail time
Description: Capuchin Monkey Boo opens the mail his fans have sent him for his 12th Birthday! MonkeyBoo opens a lot of awesome packages with toys, gifts, snacks and supplies! Also NonkeyBoo has GIANT BIRTHDAY SURPRISE! Thank you to everyone for the gifts and thank you toall of the MonkeyBoo supporters! You are all #MonkeyBooCrew Subscribe to MonkeyBoo for more videos! ▷ Always like and SHARE MonkeyBoo with a friend! FOLLOW MonkeyBoo on Social Media! ▷INSTAGRAM: ▷FACEBOOK: ▷TWITTER: Subscribe to MonkeyHappy! Subscribe to Ollie The Monkey! Subscribe to the channel for monkey videos of these cute capuchin monkeys trying new things and spreading happiness all over the world! SHOP MonkeyBoo Merchandise and More! ▷ SEND BOO MAIL!! MonkeyBoo PO Box 631 McAdenville, NC 28101 MonkeyBoo's Amazon Wishlist: