Channel: Sarah Stephanie Landry
Category: Entertainment
Tags: divine guidancemetaphysicalout of body experiencespaceimpact glassgemstonevisionarymoldavite flushextraterrestrialcrystal energyawakeningmoldavite highdivine awakeningfaqcrystal powermeteoritepowertoo intenserapid changesacredstarborn stone of transformationtransformationshould i get moldavitecrystal healingspiritual awakeningstarbornstonemoldavitespiritual experiencecatalystthe callhealing energythird eyemoldavite experience
Description: So you've heard the call of the Moldavite. Now what? Some say it's too intense, and causes rapid change whether you're ready or not. Others say it's a thrill ride like a cosmic rollercoaster. Still others say it's an urban crystal myth and doesn't do anything. In this video, I answer some of the most common questions I hear about this starborn stone of transformation, and share personal experiences from my life and from my Etsy customers. I hope you find it helpful, or at least, entertaining. :) If you'd like to buy some of my guaranteed genuine Moldavite jewelry, including the pieces I share in this video, check out my Etsy shop- and be sure to mention seeing this video for a special gift with purchase!!!