Category: Education
Tags: mmastreet fightmartial artstenshin aikidofightinghow to do tenshin aikidomartial arts training#aikidojujitsulenny sly senseimodernizing training for today's aikido warriorlenny sly#takingaikidobacktenshinmodernizinglenny sly aikidobjjsystemacombative concepts#roguewarriorstenshin dojoaikido warrioraikidomartial arts fightaikido basic techniques#realaikidocatchjitsumodernizing aikidotraditional aikido training
Description: Modernizing training for today's aikido warrior is the topic for today's video. This is the first of more than likely several video's that will be featured on this channel to modernize aikido's training to be more practical and effective in a real life situation. Here Lenny Sly sensei of the #roguewarriors training compound shows us for the very first time ever his unique methodology on training aikido modernly. This method is exclusive to Sly sensei's Tenshin aikido teachings and isn't taught in any other aikido style. Sly sensei teaches us what he call's the kihon happo or basic 8 wrist lock, armbar and take down applications. Sly sensei demonstrates this in full detail covering footwork and each application as well as explaining the method on how to better you're skill's in aikido and much more. Sensei shows how kotegaeshi flows into hon gyau, take ori, kaiten nage, muso dori, hiji shime, musha dori, yubi dori into sankyo and then into Sly sensei's tenshin aikido version of shihonage. Although this is the basic 8 waza, 10 waza were actually shown.