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M&M's Themed Custom LEGO Pinball Machine

Duration: 02:37Views: 1.5MLikes: 7.7KDate Created: Jun, 2017

Channel: AstonishingStudios

Category: Entertainment

Tags: lego candy machinelego candym&m'slegocandy machinelego machinem&m's chocolatecandym&m

Description: In celebration of reaching a LEGO® Ideas supporter milestone, we made today's M&M inspired build: a pinball machine. Customers insert a nickel into a coin slot (not pennies or dimes, which are rejected) in exchange for a pinball game and a chance at winning several chocolate candies. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of Companies, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this website. Support Us: Secondary Channel ➞bit.ly/astonishing2 Website ➞ astonishingstudios.net Instagram ➞bit.ly/astonishingig Google+ ➞bit.ly/asgpluss Merchandise ➞bit.ly/asmerchandise Our Playlists: The Best of AstonishingStudios ➞ goo.gl/miUzJQ LEGO Candy Machines ➞ goo.gl/GKTZdz LEGO Tutorials ➞ goo.gl/oBtqQC LEGO Coin Machines ➞ goo.gl/GXp0wO LEGO Game Machines ➞ goo.gl/RFIDbR BrickUltra ➞ goo.gl/1pZHaF I am a LEGO® YouTuber who makes candy machines, dispensers, vending machines, arcade games and other creations out of LEGO® Pieces. My content is meant for children and adults who are young at heart, as you are never too old to build with LEGO® Bricks. Thanks for stopping by! Song: Time - Ahxello Music provided by Ninety9Lives Video: youtu.be/VHWKoRqgLas Download: 99l.tv/TimeYU About: At AstonishingStudios, we aim to entertain and educate curious minds through carefully designed creations with LEGO® pieces. From candy machines to food makers, each video will leave you hungrier and more intelligent than the last. As a LEGO® fanatic and vending machine enthusiast, Marcel, the founder of Astonishing Studios, stumbled across a YouTube video that changed his life: a M&M's & Skittles LEGO Candy Machine. After scrutinizing every similar creation on YouTube and building his own, he decided to share his work online. What began as a curiosity evolved into a full time venture, now ranking as the most popular LEGO® food channel and among the top focused on LEGO® bricks in general. Contact: astonishingstudios@gmail.com - INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/astonishingstudios

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