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MMA Fighters Who Threw In The Towel

Duration: 04:29Views: 1.1MLikes: 9.6KDate Created: Aug, 2016

Channel: TheMontageKing MMA

Category: Entertainment

Tags: mmamixed martial artsronda rouseyzane frazier vs kevin rosierjon jonesken shamrock vs kazuyuki fujitanate diazeddie alvarez vs shinya aokithe montage kingufcultimate fighting championshipconor mcgregorboxingroyce gracie vs kazushi sakuraba

Description: Knockouts, Submissions, and decisions are just a few ways to win in MMA, but if a fighters team doesn't like the way things are going, they can throw in the towel. This is a list of fights where the towel was thrown in to protect a fighter, either saving him from his own toughness, or from an incompetent referee. Please consider supporting the channel on Patreon patreon.com/TheMontageKing Remember to subscribe! Voiced by Mike DelGaudio mikedelgaudio.com facebook.com/5roundmma twitter.com/5thRoundMMA

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