Channel: YolandaMeow♡
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how tominiature foodbreadartminibread bagkawaiicraftsandwichsandwich breadvideomini foodcutefoodsliced breadminiaturesbread slicesdiyminiaturesandwich bread slicesedibletutorialkitchenmake
Description: Learn how to make an edible mini sandwich DIY with Miniture edible Sandwich Bread!♡ This mini Sliced Bread is really yummy and gluten free!! ^_^ ♡ (WARNING: This video has been made strictly for adults who are miniature collectors, that`s why in my vids I use sharp tools and others like: cutter, lighters, cutting pliers, pliers, craft knifes, awl,...) ♡ And watch more food and kitchen miniature DIY tutorials here: ♡ Learn how to make the miniature spoon of this video here: ♡ Learn how to make the miniature glass of this video here: ♡ To watch more Yolanda Meow ♡ tutorials and miniatures, visit my channel: ♡ Subscribe to Yolanda Meow ♡ Channel here: ♡ Tips: - I only used a few "drops" of water to mold it. - Your bread should not be long in the air because it dries fast, so you should put a very thin layer of color, so that it dry fast and you can cut it into slices and keep it in your mini bag as soon as possible. - (Important!: The colors used through this video are "Edible" not ordinary paint.) ♡ At the end of this video: - Miniature Box Cutter DIY: - Miniature Band-aid or Adhesive Bandages strips and Box DIY: ♡ Download the printable of this video here: Hope you like and enjoy it!!! ^_^ ♡